This morning I received an email from a director of an adult respite center. She wanted to thank me for these wonderful feeding tube onesies and at the same time wanted to know if we can make even larger sizes than what we currently offer. She complimented the wonderful features of the onesie and marveled that we understand so clearly what the feeding tube community needs.
I explained to Jessica that I clearly know what our feeding tube populations needs are, as my own son sports a gj tube. I have his needs in mind each time I create a new onesie.
Basic whites are a must. I like to use colors and prints to toss things up, especially in the summer when he sometimes uses the onesies with shorts and we skip the shirt on top. 100% soft cotton is essential for that yummy comfortable feeling. I recently wanted to try a new grey color, however my factory couldn’t get it in 100% cotton, it needed to be mixed with other materials, so we scratched that color. Comfort first. Another popular element of our onesie is the durability. We don’t guarantee forever, but they do last a long time. Our snaps are strongly reinforced. We put a lot of trial and error into the snap. After many attempts we are proud of our strong snaps and the way they are reinforced.
So go ahead and keep the compliments coming. It warms my heart knowing the impact our onesies are making and the need they are filling in a very real way.