The Things We Love

We sent out a survey , asking for a short answer to the following question, "What do I love?" The following are some of the answers we received. The sun Classical music My mom Cabernet Sauvignon Running a marathon Cashmere sweaters A mid-afternoon nap My puppy A good book A spa day My wife A fuzzy blanket A massage The beach A cotton onesie for my little tubie, that enables me to feed him, and to give him his meds without disturbing him.
Direct Mail to Clinics and Hospitals

I am heartened to see bulk orders leaving our warehouse on a steady basis. The destination for these orders are hospitals and clinics throughout the United States. The professional therapists who work at these places are in awe of our feeding tube onesies. The cute prints and beautiful colors excite them, but most of all they are delighted with the clinical design that is made exclusively for children with g-tubes. As a parent to a child with special needs I appreciate when my son's therapists, doctors and teachers go the extra mile. Each time I receive a recommendation from them...
A Weekly Clothing Plan. How Smart is That?

My Heart Is Open For You
adaptive clothes adaptive clothing feeding tube onesie

As a parent of a child with special needs, the journey can get lonely. If you are traveling alone, it feels endless. There are lots of people that have built in support, in the form of a spouse or close sibling. Then there are those that are not fortunate to have that built in support system. If you don't have it, you can create it. That is my mantra. There are loads of support groups out there. You can google your hometown along with the support group you are looking for in the search bar. If you don't find an...
❤ To Love and to be Loved ❤

Valentine's onesies are the best. The cute red and pink hearts 💕 on a white onesie creates fresh excitement. Whenever we craft a new print or slogan for our onesies, we try to guesstimate how many we need per size. Once the holiday comes and goes we are pretty much stuck with the extra merchandise, until next year, if we decide to rerun that particular design. The Valentine onesies are a pleasure. There is no guesstimating, because anything we make, gets sold. Hearts and love is not exclusive to February 14th. We sell our "double heart" onesies all year. We...